UNIT I: Measurement Of Resistance
Classification of resistances (low, medium and high), measurement of resistance by volt drop
method, loss of charge method, Wheatstone’s bridge, Kelvin’s double bridge, Megger and
ohmmeter, AC Potentiometers and their use for calibration of meters (ammeter, voltmeter
and wattmeter).
UNIT II: AC Bridges
Measurement of inductance (self and mutual) and capacitance by AC bridges: Hay’s,
Maxwell’s, Anderson and Heaviside bridge and its modification, Wein’s bridge for
measurement of frequency, Wagner earthing device.
UNIT III: Detectors And Magnetic Measurement
Construction, theory and operation of D’Arsonval vibration galvanometer, flux meter, types
of suspension method, measurement of BH flux by Lloyd Fisher Square and by CRO,
determination of iron loss and permeability by AC potentiometer.
UNIT IV: Measuring Instruments
Classification, operation and working principle of PMMC, MI and dynamometer type
instruments, controlling, damping and balancing devices, single-phase and three-phase
electrodynamometer power factor meter, frequency meters: electrical resonance type,
electrodynamometer, ratio-meter type. Phase sequence meter, maximum demand indicator,
tri-vector detector meter.
UNIT V: Power And Energy Measurement
Construction and principle of operation of dynamometer and induction type wattmeter,
measurement of power in a three-phase circuit by using single-phase wattmeter, wattmeter
errors, low power factor wattmeter, testing of wattmeter, single and poly-phase energy
meters, testing of energy meters.
Text Books:
1. “A Course In Electrical And Electronics Measurement And Instrumentation”,
Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai Pbs.
2. “Electrical Measurement And Measuring Instruments”, Golding, CBS
Reference books:
1. “A Course In Electrical And Electronics Measurement And Instrumentation”, J. B.
Gupta. Kataria Pbs.
2. “Electric Measurements”, Harris.
Classification of resistances (low, medium and high), measurement of resistance by volt drop
method, loss of charge method, Wheatstone’s bridge, Kelvin’s double bridge, Megger and
ohmmeter, AC Potentiometers and their use for calibration of meters (ammeter, voltmeter
and wattmeter).
UNIT II: AC Bridges
Measurement of inductance (self and mutual) and capacitance by AC bridges: Hay’s,
Maxwell’s, Anderson and Heaviside bridge and its modification, Wein’s bridge for
measurement of frequency, Wagner earthing device.
UNIT III: Detectors And Magnetic Measurement
Construction, theory and operation of D’Arsonval vibration galvanometer, flux meter, types
of suspension method, measurement of BH flux by Lloyd Fisher Square and by CRO,
determination of iron loss and permeability by AC potentiometer.
UNIT IV: Measuring Instruments
Classification, operation and working principle of PMMC, MI and dynamometer type
instruments, controlling, damping and balancing devices, single-phase and three-phase
electrodynamometer power factor meter, frequency meters: electrical resonance type,
electrodynamometer, ratio-meter type. Phase sequence meter, maximum demand indicator,
tri-vector detector meter.
UNIT V: Power And Energy Measurement
Construction and principle of operation of dynamometer and induction type wattmeter,
measurement of power in a three-phase circuit by using single-phase wattmeter, wattmeter
errors, low power factor wattmeter, testing of wattmeter, single and poly-phase energy
meters, testing of energy meters.
Text Books:
1. “A Course In Electrical And Electronics Measurement And Instrumentation”,
Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai Pbs.
2. “Electrical Measurement And Measuring Instruments”, Golding, CBS
Reference books:
1. “A Course In Electrical And Electronics Measurement And Instrumentation”, J. B.
Gupta. Kataria Pbs.
2. “Electric Measurements”, Harris.